OUR legacy

"... others have labored,
... you have entered into their labors."


Where would we be without spiritual fathers and mothers? Those priceless and anointed forerunners who took risks to make it possible for those after them to now run with purpose and passion!

We are thankful for those who obeyed God and labored faithfully in their generation. Remember, what God does in you He intends to get through you to another.

He is a God of generations! And the obedience of one leads to the obedience of another. Those faithful in their time and season made it possible for another to follow along and be found faithful.

Malachi 4:6
He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers ...

Our work is never isolated ...meaning the work we have been assigned to in our time and season is connected to the work before us ...and our finished work will set the stage for those coming after us.

There is one plan but many individual parts within that plan that all work together. God chose to place us into the time and season and He chose for us our work.

John 4:36-38 NKJV
And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.

We believe it is important to honor those who have labored before us. Their work was, and is, crucial to our own work today.

We will soon discover the many people who we have been uniquely connected with because our "work" and their "work" was divinely associated. People that we have never met in this life are, right now in the "great cloud of witnesses", cheering us on and making intercession for us according to the will of God.

They are anticipating our success because we will both share in the same reward upon completion!

Hebrews 11:39-40 NKJV
And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.

There are many amazing people whose life, ministry, and work have been divinely connected with Grace City Church. Even before the church was first planted in 1978, God directed the steps of some tremendous people to be part of our beginning. We are forever grateful for their labors and the seeds they have sown.

But here, we want to honor those who have directly passed on the mantle and the work to Pastors Justin and Mirenda.

Romans 10:12
Honor one another above yourselves.
Tim & Charmaine Phillips

We honor Tim & Charmaine Phillips!

These are tremendous people right here, my spiritual parents! It has been a privilege and a high honor to join up their work and enter into their labors. Pastors Tim and Charmaine are some of the best examples of the 'pastoral ministry' I have ever come across and are dynamic Bible teachers and ministers. They truly have set the standard of excellence in ministry high!

They were my first pastors, and in the 30 years I have been involved with the church, they have been a central and special part of my spiritual growth. I am blessed to have had the spiritual upbringing and mentoring I received serving under them. I am committed to finishing the race, being faithful and bringing honor to the legacy I have been entrusted with.

I Love you both greatly! To the future!

Pastor Justin


Tim and Charmaine Phillips moved to Harrison Arkansas in 1976 after Tim graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center. In 1978, Tim and Charmaine were founding members of Grace Christian Center (now Grace City Church). In 1983, Tim entered full-time ministry as Associate Pastor/Youth Minister at Grace. Then, in 1985, Tim became Senior Pastor, the position he held for 30 years.

Tim is known for his teaching gift, transparent life of faith and approachability. Charmaine, a graduate of Grace Bible Institute, is also known for her teaching gift, administration and leadership training. Testimonies abound concerning lives changed by the applicable truths of God's Word that they both presents so clearly.

With an emphasis on education, world-wide ministry and leadership training, Pastors Tim and Charmaine and members of the congregation have traveled on numerous mission trips to many nations serving in orphanages, preaching in crusades, churches, schools, hospitals, and teaching in Bible schools.

In June of 2014, Tim and Charmaine transitioned the Senior Pastor role to Justin and Mirenda Goff who have been mentored by the Phillips since 1991.

The Phillips' traveled overseas on numerous occasions to assist in Gospel crusades, village evangelism, and teach in pastor conferences as well as promoting mission oriented outreach opportunities to churches and pastors in the US.

Presently Tim and Charmaine are actively serving in their local church, assisting pastors and churches through preaching, filling in for pastors and encouraging the Body of Christ, and teaching Rhema Bible School in various countries around the world.

Tim and Charmaine have three grown sons, Austin, Reid and Mark, all who graduated from Grace Christian School. All three sons are married and Tim and Charmaine have 6 grandchildren which bring their grandparents great delight.

Tim and Charmaine would be honored to minister at your church or special service. To request a speaking/preaching event, please contact: Life4u.tp@gmail.com